Friday, November 1, 2013

Flipping English Classrooms

Flipping a Classroom: I was drawn into looking into the "flipped classroom" after a coworker of mine published The Elephant in the Flipped Classroom. Although the article discussed some of the issues with flipping, it reminded me of a technology PD---one of the better ones I have attended-- that provided tech tools to engage students in active learning. I decided that I wanted to read a little more about flipping, specifically in the English classroom---
While searching for various ways to cook asparagus, I somehow stumbled upon some great links on the Pinterest APP! I'd like to share... Access the links from this board.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! I really think that flipping is the way to go as it provides so many new opportunities. The struggle I'm having really isn't anything new (getting kids to do homework), but hopefully as more teachers start doing things like this and the practice becomes more consistent, the students will respond more consistently as well.

    Incidentally, I think the best way to cook asparagus is to roast it in a pretty hot oven - just cut off about an inch from the bottom, throw it on a sheet pan with a little olive oil, salt and black pepper, and roast for about 20 minutes at 425 (timing depends on the thickness of the asparagus). Cauliflower, carrots, and most other veggies are all delicious prepared this way.
